
Current Category: Film

Breaking two World Records on crutches!

Breaking two World Records on crutches!

This morning the post brought an unexpected surprise: Two certificates acknowledging Esther and myself as new Guinness World Record (GWR) holders. A little summer project – visiting the major touristic sites of Belgium and the Netherlands in a day has been awarded the...

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“The Loop” –  finally launched

“The Loop” – finally launched

Some projects just take longer - just like great wine takes some time to mature, my latest film projecttook way longer then expected to complete. Countless deadlines were missed, scripts rewritten, missing scenes filled.  But two years after Esther and me have held up...

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What a year… for Tim

What a year… for Tim

        Checking my Facebook Update the last few days I realised a lot of friends are posting their year… in photos. Now here is my opportunity to give a quick review for Tim. Tim arrived in my postbox exactly 365 days ago - to clarify: Tim is my...

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