
Current Category: Paul Niel

My Heroes

My Heroes

We live in very special times – all over the world specialists, professionals and volunteers are battling to keep our healthcare and the lifes our loves ones alive. One thing the COVID-19 pandemic makes us more aware of are the countless professionals all over the...

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Breaking two World Records on crutches!

Breaking two World Records on crutches!

This morning the post brought an unexpected surprise: Two certificates acknowledging Esther and myself as new Guinness World Record (GWR) holders. A little summer project – visiting the major touristic sites of Belgium and the Netherlands in a day has been awarded the...

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“The Loop” –  finally launched

“The Loop” – finally launched

Some projects just take longer - just like great wine takes some time to mature, my latest film projecttook way longer then expected to complete. Countless deadlines were missed, scripts rewritten, missing scenes filled.  But two years after Esther and me have held up...

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Turning bionic

Turning bionic

Monday, 17 December 2018 Beautiful blue skies are greeting Esther and me as we hike towards Sharp Peak in Sai Kung Country Park (Hong Kong). I have been fascinated by the peaks steep, rocky West Cliff since years and over the last year we have made multiple attempts...

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What Matters To Me

What Matters To Me

In 2017, to my total surprise, I was featured in Tatler's Gen T List - according to the magazine the "definitive list of young leaders shaping Asia’s future." Last month the magazine showcased a portrait in its column: "What Matters to Me" Full article can be found...

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Searching for T-Rex

Searching for T-Rex

As part of the Chapman Andrews Centennial Expedition I was searching dinosaurs in the Gobi desert. Our team used latest technology - infrared and hyperspectral imaging cameras that were deployed with drones to find new fossil sites. More than 100+ were detected - we...

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The Wonders of Wadi Rum

The Wonders of Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum, a mythical area of sandstone mountain in midst the Arabian desert have fascinated me for years. I ended up there on a trip through Jordan and Syria back in 2005 with my good friend Armin. Sadly we had no time to climb any of the impressive rock towers This...

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Adventures on Robinson Crusoe Island

Adventures on Robinson Crusoe Island

The howling of the engine was overshadowing everything as Kevin pressed the throttle down – we were speeding with 30knots + towards the Hong Kong harbour. The owner of HK operation Zoomribs had kindly agreed to give us a lift to the tiny island of Kau Yi Chau, thats...

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It was on my Dive Wish List for a long time - to see a hammerhead shark -  this truly spectacular fish, in its natural habitat. These sharks with their very distinctive heads prefer strong current and can only reliable seen in a few places around the planet. Two...

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Summit Success in the Alps of Tibet

Summit Success in the Alps of Tibet

OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE: The mountain ranges of East Tibet, part of Sichuan province, China, were described by the legendary Japanese explorer Tomatsu Nakamura as the “Alps of Tibet” and are considered as one the last frontiers of mountaineering. Inspired by his work...

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Back to the Shangri-La

Back to the Shangri-La

Last September I ventured with friends into a remote corner of Tibet ( - it was an expedition into the unknown - we had no maps, no guides, no porters and literally no idea! It was an amazing trip, but in...

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A journey of Zen

A journey of Zen

Its August - and with horror I realize that this forum has not seen a message by myself since almost three months. My sincere apologies! I (or better Esther and me) have however not been quiet- we  have been travelling the world, meditated in...

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Last week I talked in front of a group of finance professionals about achieving big dreams – I illustrated the story and my concept through my journey to climb Mt Everest - the highest mountain in the world and how it developed from the dreams of a...

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Childhood Dreams

Childhood Dreams

In the early morning of 8 August 1786 two tired Frenchmen ventured onto the summit of Mont Blanc – with 4810m the highest Mountain in Western Europe right on the border of Italy and France. Its white top, endless glaciers and rocky spires dominate the western end of...

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It’s Diversity that drives Innovation!

It’s Diversity that drives Innovation!

Cordoba, these days a sleepy city in Southern Spain used to be largest city in the world. Around the turn of the first millennia Córdoba, which had fallen under Muslim rule became the capital of the caliphate Al-Andalus. Doctors, Engineers, Intellectuals from all over...

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per Rickshaw through India…

per Rickshaw through India…

Two weeks ago I posted about my upcoming adventure in India… Yesterday we finally started - after preparing, pimping and tuning our Rickshaw Clare, Tom, Sofia, Phil and myself are off - 3000 km from Cochin, Kerala to Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. Already, after having covered...

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What a year… for Tim

What a year… for Tim

        Checking my Facebook Update the last few days I realised a lot of friends are posting their year… in photos. Now here is my opportunity to give a quick review for Tim. Tim arrived in my postbox exactly 365 days ago - to clarify: Tim is my...

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