
Current Category: Paul Niel

Final days…

Final days…

work, work, work – that pretty much summarises the last few days. tons of jobs to do on the boat (whipping and slicing, winch cheek) - all for the final preparation for our race. Team Switzerland seems to be ready, or almost. The last days were spent to get the boat...

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How to follow the race:

How to follow the race:

Obviously the easiest is on this blog 🙂 ( or on @paulniel78 on Twitter Otherwise there is: The main Clipper site - This should have an updated chart with our positions etc.. Official Team Facebook page...

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Two new Crew Members

Two new Crew Members

Let me introduce:- After careful screening of the crew list, two new members were spotted" on the boat: Captain Sparrow, who is meant to hide a mysterious treasure somewhere on his boat, stolen from yachts over the last decade & Admiral Redjacket - Sparrow's...

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A Call to all Londoners!

A Call to all Londoners!

..visit and support our boat in St. Katherines Dock. Our beautiful 70ft yacht Heidi (aka as "Switzerland") is moored the whole week in St. Katherine Docks. Come by and visit it. Procedure is as follows: Just pop by the dock, search for the RED boat with big...

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or better the art of squeezing all my stuff into a not so big red duffel. At skippers orders a maximum of 20kg is allowed (thats excluding oilies (= the rain kit) and boots). So how many T-shirts, books and underpants does one take along on a six week long sailing...

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Five summits in a day – Crossing the Xeis

Five summits in a day – Crossing the Xeis

The final tour in the mountains before it is off to the ocean - Take  a wonderful mountain range with epic views, add some challenging scrambles and throw in a sumner summer day - you get a great day out!  So we did, when Dad and me headed out to...

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our boat has a pool!

our boat has a pool!

Its 16 days and 10 hours until race start – my home for at least five weeks on our crossing of the Atlantic. Yacht CV24 of the Clipper fleet, official title: “Switzerland” got quickly nicknamed Heidi!The first two weeks of sailing have revealed a few necessary...

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